Productivity Project Funding: Open Call Round 1
In May 2018 PIN opened our first public call; the ‘#pieceofthepuzzle’ campaign challenged teams of academic and non-academic partners to take a multi-disciplinary social science approach in finding fresh insights into the UK’s productivity puzzle. Applicants were encouraged to draw on the PIN evidence reviews, which highlight gaps in our current understanding of UK productivity. An overwhelming response was received to the call. The award panel was highly impressed by the quality project proposals received. Four ‘Pioneer Projects’ were funded up to £50,000 each and eight ‘Small Projects’ were funded up to £10,000 each. Projects started work in September 2018. Pioneer Projects will take around ten months to complete and Small Projects, four months. To find out more about the innovative projects and what they are trying to achieve, read the brief descriptions below. Click on the logo of each project’s lead organisation below for the Project Lead’s contact details.

Productivity Project Funding: Open Call Round 2
We are excited to confirm that 8 new projects have been funded through PIN’s second public call for innovative productivity projects (closed in May 2019). Adding to PIN’s portfolio of projects working to piece together the UK’s productivity puzzle we have:  4 new ‘Small Projects’ (up to £10k in funding, duration: 4 months) and 4 ‘Pioneer Projects’ (up to £50k in funding, duration: 10 months). There were notable successes for Early Career Researchers in Round 2, a pleasing result given PIN’s ongoing work to develop ECRs.

Responsive Small Project
Further to the Round 2 call, there was a specific need identified to engage with the DfE in Northern Ireland; a responsive project was therefore funded in this area.

Targeted Small Grants Call
PIN’s work has highlighted particular areas that require innovative research to unlock our understanding.

Productivity Project Funding: Open Call Round 3
Round 3 has now funded a number of new innovative pioneer and small projects. The details of which are listed below.

Pioneer Projects (Round 1)
Small Projects (Round 1)
Pioneer Projects (Round 2)
Small Projects (Round 2)

Responsive Small Project

Targeted Small Grant Projects

Pioneer Projects (Round 3)
Small Projects (Round 3)