Productivity Insights Network

Raising productivity is arguably the central economic challenge in the UK. The Productivity Insights Network is an ESRC funded network of researchers, policymakers, intermediaries and businesses working to identify, advance and implement new insights to address the productivity puzzle in the UK.

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If you are interested in changing the tone of the productivity debate in theory and practice join the Productivity Insights Network.


The Productivity Insights Network aims to stimulate new directions in productivity research with high impact potential.

Our people

Find out more about the core team at Productivity Insights Network and our growing membership of individuals and organisations.

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Productivity Insights

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As the project comes to an end we would like to share an overview of some of the key achievements and activity from across the network that have contributed to…

Financing productivity in the UK: Do sources of finance and geographical location matter?

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Image created by Kat Sloan via Canva. By Sandra Lancheros,  Josh Cave, Chau Chu, Gladys Huaccha, Effie Kesidou, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Daniel Perez, Joel Rabinovich. (University of Leeds) The long-standing poor productivity…

Assessing the impact of shareholder primacy and value extraction: Performance and financial resilience in the FTSE350

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Image created by Kat Sloan via Canva based on Authors data.  A new report by Professors Adam Leaver and Richard Murphy of Sheffield University Management School and Prof Colin Haslam…