Frontier and ‘laggard’ firms: will there be significant changes to the distribution of productivity post-COVID19?

We know low aggregate TFP can be because: (i) frontier firms are not amongst the global leaders in their industry; (ii) there is a lack of diffusion of technology from (national) ‘best-practice’ frontier to non-frontier firms; and (iii) there is insufficient reallocation of resources from less to more efficient firms through ‘churn’ (opening of more efficient/closure of less efficient firms) and through the reallocation of existing market shares from low to higher productivity firms (together ‘churn’ and external reallocation are commonly referred to as ‘creative destruction’ after Schumpeter). This webinar therefore poses a series of questions of the likely impact of COVID-19 on the distribution of productivity across firms (in the UK) and ideally the participants through their views and feedback will begin to point to the answers to these questions.

What to expect

Grab a drink and a sandwich and join our one-hour webinar on 26th June 2020 at 12:00-13:00 to hear expert insights and stimulating discussion about Frontier and ‘laggard’ firms: will there be significant changes to the distribution of productivity post-COVID19? The webinar will include an online discussion from our speakers before an interactive Q&A session.


Prof Richard Harris, Durham University

Prof Philip McCann,  University of Sheffield


Prof Vania Sena,  University of Sheffield

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Requesting Feedback

We would appreciate your time in completing the short feedback questionnaire regarding the Webinar, via Google Forms, using the following link.
There are fewer than 10 questions for your attention, if you have a moment to spare – your views would be greatly received.