BEIS is offering 3 secondments for academic researchers, to provide expert input into the work of the Industrial Strategy Council, in the following areas:

  • Building the evidence on successful local growth policy
  • The role of the Industrial Strategy in driving behavioural change to deliver Clean Growth
  • An evidence review: Trade, Investment, and Industrial Policy

The ISC is responsible for recommending success measures for the Industrial Strategy White Paper and then monitoring performance. Attached is the specification including the three secondment scopes that BEIS has put together for these roles. These are opportunities for researchers with a background in economics, statistical analysis or social research. ESRC will consider requests to fund the direct costs of replacing staff who are seconded.

Feedback from two of last year’s secondees:

During my secondment at the Industrial Strategy Council, I had the opportunity to shape a major project in detailed discussions with Council members, civil servants, other academics, and third-sector stakeholders. It was a great experience of translating research and policy insights into an accessible report for the general public. I also made a number of contacts beyond academia that have benefited my research and engagement efforts since

Dr. Robert ZymekSchool of Economics, University of Edinburgh

I have thoroughly enjoyed my secondment to the Industrial Strategy Council. It has been extremely beneficial in terms of understanding the strategic and operational challenges that policy makers face, broadening my network of contacts and increasing my knowledge of how to design policy to create impact

Dr. Abigail TaylorResearch Fellow, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham

If there are any candidates that would be interested in these opportunities, please email FAO Kat Hogg by 13 August with the candidate’s contact details, CV and a short statement (max 250 words) on their suitability for the project they are interested in. In addition, please include any details of whether you would need funding support to be able to release the member of staff.

For any grant related queries, please contact Kat at

For any queries regarding the details of the secondments, please do get in contact with Gavin Wallis