The Productivity Insights Network is pleased to providing a series of seminars for Scottish Government employees, each focusing on a different area of productivity. Please note that this seminar series is open to Scottish Government employees only.

Professor Leaza McSorley began the series with a talk on “Inequality, Well-Being and (Inclusive) Productivity Growth”.

Professor Kirsty Newsome and Professor Tim Vorley continued the series with a talk on “Contemporary Work and Employment and the Productivity Puzzle”.

Professor Iain Docherty and Dr David Waite followed on with their talk on “Infrastructure and Productivity”.

Professor Andrew Henley and Professor Colin Mason presented on two themes; “Small Business Growth and Productivity, “Productivity and the UK’s deficiency in scale-ups”, in late December 2020.

The Scottish Government Series has gone online!

Some of our scheduled events could not go ahead as planned due to the pandemic. So we teamed up with the Scottish Government to put the events online.
As part of the Economic Policy Team’s Learning Development, we are thrilled to present our ongoing collaboration and knowledge transfer activities.

The events are internal only for members of the Scottish Government.

16 November 2020 – Richard Harris, “FDI, Capital and Investment Markets”
14 December 2020 – Leaza McSorley, “Inclusive Productivity Growth? Reframing the productivity debate post Covid-19”
18 January 2021 – Philip McCann,Productivity Perspectives: Observations from the UK and the International Arena”
15 February 2021 – Andrew Henley, “Socially distant in more ways than one: the impact of Covid-19 on the self-employed” (with co-authors Darja Reuschke, University of Southampton, and Elizabeth Daniel, Open University). with Colin Mason and Tiago Botelho (UEA)“Business angel investment activity during COVID”
15 March 2021 – Jonathan Cook and Osman Anwar (SQW Ltd),Small businesses and their productivity challenges
19 April 2021 – Maria Abreu, “Human Capital, Skills and Productivity”
17 May 2021 – Tiago Botelho and Colin Mason, “Building Back Greener: Business Angel Investing in Green Ventures” with Andrew Henley and Tim Vorley “Implications and impacts of the COVID-19 on Micro-Business Resilience”
21 June 2021 – Katy Jones Decent Work, Soumyedeb Cowdhury and Prasanta Dey “WHAT, WHY and HOW – Well-being Framework for enhancing SMEs’ Employee and Business Productivity”.
23 July 2021 – Be The Business, PIN and Scottish Government Roundtable Managing Multiple and Challenging Demands with Sir Charlie Mayfield, Anthony Impey, Kerrie Unsworth, Lara Pecis and Tim Vorley
16 August 2021 – Lara Pecis and Colin Lindsay 
Worker Wellbeing

If you have attended one of the events as a member of the Scottish Government, we welcome your feedback