Transport, the economy and sustainability post-COVID19

Transport has been one of the sectors most directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Public transport ridership collapsed, working from home rather than the commute became the norm for many overnight, and more people have rediscovered walking and cycling on traffic free roads. But how our travel behaviour changes following lockdown will have enormous implications for the future of the economy, environment and society. The unprecedented restrictions on normal life required to achieve the -10% to -25% reductions in carbon emissions experienced during lockdown demonstrate the (daunting) scale of change that will be required to meet our decarbonisation commitments. Physical distancing on public transport will reduce its capacity by up to three quarters. The desire for protection from the virus might lead to a huge rebound in car traffic, undermining years of policy effort to achieve modal shift.
In this session, Iain Docherty and Tom Forth will outline emerging research on the potential futures for the transport sector after the pandemic, and the possible implications for a range of other sectors.

What to expect

Grab a drink and a sandwich and join our one-hour webinar on 18th June 2020 at 12:00-13:00 to hear expert insights and stimulating discussion about the Transport, the economy and sustainability post-COVID19. The webinar will include an online discussion from our speakers before an interactive Q&A session.


Prof Iain Docherty University of Stirling

Tom Forth, Open Data Institute, Leeds


Adam Brown, (Cambridge Econometrics)

Photo included in promotional materials by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash


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There are fewer than 10 questions for your attention, if you have a moment to spare – your views would be greatly received.

Professor Docherty is also involved in a COVID19 transport project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). View more on their work here: